Ethical hacker Udemy course commands
2 min readDec 7, 2020
- sudo →to run the command as an administrator, but we should enter the password.
- sudo apt install -y kali-grant-root && sudo dpkg-reconfigure kali-grant-root. Then select “Enable password-less privilege escalation” → to use sudo to run the command as an administrator, but without entering the password.
- sudo su →to use the terminal as administrator user, and not use sudo every time.
- cd → to navigate between the directories.
- cd .. → to go back to the previous directory.
- passwd → to change the password of the user.
- ls →to list all directories and files in the current directory.
- pwd →to view the current directory.
- mkdir →to create a new directory.
- rmdir →to delete a directory.
- updatedb →to create internal database in the system.
- locate → to search for a file in the system.
- man →to view description for a command.
- - -help →to view description for a command.
- cat →to create a new file and write in it.
- nano →to open a file with editor.
- grep →to search for words in a file and display the line.
- less → to open a large file by bits.
- ifconfing → to view the settings of the network.
- clear → to clean the terminal window.
- uname -a → to view kali version.
- service ssh start → to start ssh.
- service ssh stop→ to stop ssh.
- netstat -antp| grep ssh → to check if the ssh started or not.
- service apache2 start → to start html .
- service apache2 stop→ to stop html .
- netstat -antp| grep apache2→ to check if the html started or not.
- apt-get install “service” → to install the service.
- apt-get remove “service” → to remove the service.
- update-rc.d “service” enable →to start the service once the operating system runs and stop once the operating systems stops.
- update-rc.d “service” disable →to stop the above service.
Created 8 December 2020
- ssh → used to connect to a computer remotely and send encrypted data.